It was a two hour long bus ride trip but when we got there it was worth it for all the activities we got to do. We were given breakfast and free UK accessories while we sat through a little lecture in a auditorium. At the end we all had to sing UK's theme song. After that we all went in the cafetria to recieve more papers and info on what careers they have on the campus. Then we all got a nice hot lunch and a show of musicians on a stage and frat houses showing us their dances. I was telling my friends that came on the trip about how we wished princeton could nice hot food for us that UK served us. It was a good little laugh.
After we all ate, we were given a big tour of the campus and it was huge! There was a lot of walking around that place, maybe that was why their were so many bikes in front of each building. We also got see the dorms which were cute to me, some people thought it was too small.
After tour we were sent home for another long trip home. I really enjoyed that trip being my first and probably my only one and I hope to hear from UK soon about my application.